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Birthday party costs add up quickly! Save money with my Party Favors on a Budget ideas or make your own party favors. Since I’m not super crafty…I keep a strict party favor budget.
Party Favors on a Budget
I know I’m not the only parent who cringes when he or she overhears the delighted responses to commercials featuring arcades masquerading as pizza restaurants. “I want to go there for my birthday!!” Birthday parties can easily reach astronomical prices and can become a problem when you are watching your budget. Be wise when planning and cut costs where you can. Make your own invitations or send e-vites, have the party at home or a park, and plan to have it at a time that doesn’t require you to provide a meal. 2:00-4:00 is usually good so you avoid traditional meal times and can serve snacks or dessert.
Party favors run the risk of becoming an afterthought. While grabbing a bunch of stuff in the Target dollar bins you end up spending much more than originally intended. Don’t be allured by birthday packs unless they are truly a good deal. Plan ahead and think outside the box. You and all the party goers will probably be happier and remember your party as a stand out.
Have an Activity that IS the Party Favor
Some activities or crafts can double as a favor to take home. Kids and adults alike love thoughtful handmade gifts, why not incorporate it into your party? It can be as easy as a candy bar where you have each guest fill a bag to take home (use bulk bins to get a deal). Make homemade playdoh or slime and have small containers for guests. Frost cookies for guests to decorate. Have the kids make their own wands. Use Pinterest as inspiration and get creative!
One party my daughter had a few years ago was a stuffed bear party at a dance studio. The studio was closed on Saturdays and hosted stuffed bear parties. So the activity for each child was to stuff and dress their own little bear. The bears were the kids take home party favors and everyone loved them.
What are Good Party Favors
Use What you Have
One year we had a LEGO party using some of my kids’ toys as a guessing game. Don’t be afraid of repurposing items to fit your party. Do you have craft supplies like stickers or fun paper that could be turned into something fun? Cheap soap containers, notepads, and crayons can be made into a cute art box. Why not decorate your own loot bags to make things more personalized? There are plenty of free printables that you can get inspiration from and chances are you already have most of the materials.
Don’t Over Spend on “Cheap”
I have been guilty of walking out of a store where I had hoped to get a bunch of inexpensive items only to realize that I bought WAY more than I intended. Don’t be fooled by dollar items. Think ahead and if you are buying party favors, make sure you are getting several in a package. There party stores where you can purchase small items for next to nothing. Fun Services is a local party store with a room in the back filled with party favors and trinkets.

Budget Per Guest and Pick a Theme
Put your party planner hat on and think like a pro. What is your budget? How many guests are coming? Your budget will vary greatly if you are having a big party versus a few close friends. Think realistically. You may decide to combine events to save money. I have a friend with children close in birthday months who had each child invite a few close friends and saved by not having to throw two parties. Think of your favors and price them out ahead of time. If you or your child are set on having something in particular, is there a way to cut back somewhere else? There are some great ideas for themed parties, and I personally think they are more fun than the typical kids pizza party.
Budget Friendly Parties
My Lego Party was super budget friendly and the Lego Cupcakes are super budget friendly and easy to make.
I hope you enjoy these party favors on a budget tips. I’d love to hear other ideas or tips you’ve come up with.
Don’t forget to check out the other On a Budget posts.
Holiday Decorating on a Budget
How to Plan a Trip to Disney on a Budget
Family Vacations on a Budget
31 Recipes on a Budget
Feeding a Family on a Budget
Having Fun on a Budget
Snack Ideas on a Budget
Groceries on a Budget
Military Living on a Budget
Cooking Healthy on a Budget
Menu Planning on a Budget
Dinner Party on a Budget

A lot of the points you made should be obvious to me but are points that I never would have thought about or considered, so thank you for the post-Wendy! It is for sure a habit of my family to overspend around birthday’s and it can be a problem swith so many birthdays every year! It was especially helpful that you mentioned holding the party between traditional meal times, I think that will really help I we decide to go all out like we did last year for our little Reeses birthday
These are some great ideas for making sure you don’t spend too much on a party. I am actually planning my son’s tenth birthday party and I want to make sure it is special. I will make sure to see how much I want to spend on each guest, and then use that budget to make sure that I don’t spend too much or too little.